Psoriasis is a long term chronic problem that affects the skin. Psoriasis causes the skin cells to grow very quickly which results in white, thick, red or silvery patches of skin. Psoriasis normally causes the skin cells to develop and grow faster instead of the usual flaking off about every four weeks. This causes the skin cells to regrow in replacement of the outer layer of the skin that is shed.
The following are some of the uncovered myths about psoriasis:
Myth: psoriasis is considered as just a dry skin condition.
Truth: psoriasis has been found and cited as an immune disorder with very embarrassing effects to those who suffers from it.
Myth: a lot of individuals consider psoriasis to be contiguous.
Truth: psoriasis is a chronic condition that in the meantime no cure available for it. Fortunately, there are so many effective psoriasis treatments. Consult your doctor or health care provider for the right treatment prescription for you.
Treating psoriasis
As stated earlier there is no cure for this chronic disorder. But the treatments described below will assist you to keep the condition under control. A lot of people who have psoriasis can be treated by their General Practitioner. Your General Practitioner may suggest referring you to a dermatologist (skin specialist) or even a team in the hospital if symptoms are so severe and previous treatments are not working.
Psoriasis treatments are available and they are determined according to the type of psoriasis or the severity of skin affected. Most doctors start with a mild psoriasis treatment such as creams and then continue to the stronger treatment if necessary. Unfortunately, identifying the best and the most effective treatment for you is also a great challenge as statistics filed on various surveys reports.
Psoriasis treatments fall under the following categories:
These are prescription drugs that are taken orally or through injection. Systemic medications work throughout the body. They are usually recommended to those individuals with psoriatic arthritis and moderate to severe psoriasis.
It is also referred to as light therapy which involves exposing the skin to sun light regularly under supervision by a medical specialist. Psoriasis treatment using this method is usually done in a doctor’s office, psoriasis clinic or at home if someone owns a phototherapy unit.
Biologic medications are prescribed to those who have moderate or even severe psoriasis that has failed to respond to other forms of treatment. They are administered through injections, infusion or intravenous.
New oral treatment
New oral treatments are meant to improve psoriatic disease symptoms by inhibiting a molecule that is associated with skin inflammation. The main difference of this treatment from the natural biological form of treatment, is they are delivered as tablets and taken by mouth.
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